NUNC STANS – La Sainte-Victoire

Andrea Graziosi

  • Texts et photographs: Andrea Graziosi
  • 80 pages
  • Perfect bound
  • French
  • 17 x 23 cm
  • 35 colour images
  • ISBN: 979-10-92265-32-3
  • €25

Nunc Stans (Instants d’Éternité)




For the last five years I’ve been photographing the Sainte-Victoire mountains and its surroundings. I tried to explore the possibilities of the photographic technique to capture or seize the unpresentable; working on a pattern that precisely has been repeatedly addressed in the history of art. What remains invisible when you have seen everything? What can you represent that has not already been given to see? These questions determined my approach.




And thus Cezanne has been a guide to learn, facing the mountain, not to see. It seems to me that photography has to deal with the exhaustion of the subject(s) that characterize the contemporary world. Facing the globalization of remakes, I tried, through a local approach of appropriating optics, to embody it, to live it photographically.

Andréa Graziosi




Andrea Graziosi author and photographer, graduated in Art History from the University of Bologna, Italy, Andrea Graziosi also went to the Gobelins School of Image and at the European Training Centre for Film Production to complete his training.
He lives and works in Marseille. His passion for the still image led him to write a graduation thesis on contemporary photography entitled “The transgression of the image or images of transgression in photography of the 90s.” In 2009 he decided to devote himself exclusively to the practice of artistic photography, a direct way to express himself, which allows him to work independently. Over the past five years, his work has been featured in numerous group and solo exhibitions in: Galerie Fontaine Obscure in Aix-En-Provence, Festival Révélation in Paris, Festival PhotAix in Aix-En-Provence and Photo España Festival in Madrid.