- Photographs : Joanna Szproch
- Texts: Agata Ciastoń
- Design: Nora Cristea
- Translations: AGIT Translations and Mariia Zin
- 144 pages
- 24 x 32 cm
- Open-spine + silk-screened jacket with phosphorescent ink
- 90 colour pictures
- Polish, English, French, German
- ISBN : 978-2-492696-15-2
- € 45 — € 200
- This book was supported by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Stiftung Kunstfonds.
A publication that itself becomes a work of art: Alltagsfantasie (Everyday Fantasy) by Joanna Szproch. An ode to sexual autonomy and celebrated female sensuality that questions patriarchal structures in the process. With Everyday Fantasy, Joanna Szproch has succeeded in creating a bold debut work, a cohesive work of art that focuses on the pleasurable pursuit of self-empowerment.
A limited edition of 45 copies
Order your book numbered and signed by Joanna Szproch + a signed 15 x 18 cm print C-Print – €120
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2 special editions in 6 copies
Order your book signed by the author + a 20 x 30 cm print, numbered from 1 to 6 and signed. C-Print – 250 €
PICTURE #1 Add to cart
PICTURE #2 Add to cart
AlltagsFantasie, the book!
In her lengthy and multi-stage creative process, which began in 2010 and continued until 2021, Joanna Szproch has created more than just a remarkable excerpt of her biography: It is a condensation of temporal layers, a staging of control beliefs, and a work of art that transcends conventional categories.
The book that emerged from this complex process can be seen above all as an extended and multi-layered self-portrait. It refers to both the self and the self that appears in the context of social and cultural relations.
Among the various techniques of self-portraiture, photography occupies a special place. In today’s world, marked by the global use of selfies on social media, the deceptive simultaneity of roles becomes clear.
It is possible to be a muse as well as a model and creator at the same time. Yet it is impossible to view one’s own person objectively, as we also wear masks for ourselves. It is precisely in these in-between worlds of ‘female’ and ‘male gaze,’ these boundaries between self and the outside, that Szproch explores her AlltagsFantasie.
More than pure escapism: How A Fantasy Becomes Form. “Each of us has that right, that possibility, to invent ourselves daily. If a person does not invent herself, she will be invented. So, to be bodacious enough to invent ourselves is wise.” Dr. Maya Angelou.
Six years after the social outcry of #metoo, influential men’s rights activists are still suggesting,that rape is not a crime against the woman herself, but rather a property crime.
In the midst of these inhumane debates, Joanna Szproch fights this archaic and dysfunctional system in her fantasies on a daily basis. It is a battle against a particularly tenacious ignorance that must be fought again and again to bring about much-needed change. Proceeds from sales of various Alltagsfantasie merch products will be donated to LARA – Rape Crisis and Counselling Centre in Berlin.
Alltagsfantasie is an illustrated performance in which the artist uses the medium of photography. It is an impressive work that invites us to reconsider our ideas of identity, gender roles and self-dramatization. It sharpens our view of the individual and societal search for self-empowerment and opens up space for a critical examination of existing power structures and norms.