- Texts: Christine Delory-Momberger
- 80 pages
- 14 x 19 cm
- paperback book
- ISBN: 979-10-92265-56-9 – CIL 3692
- € 17.50
“Le geste d’Agata” attempts to capture the modes of appearance and presence in a remarkable photographic and cinematic work, experienced by its author as if in hand-to-hand combat with the world.
From this radical confrontation, the works of Antoine d’Agata form a political act, whose violence and lucidity touch the “naked life” of a humanity on the margins, dealing with brutality, vulnerability and desire.
Based on unpublished new interviews, this work forms one body with the words and actions of Antoine d’Agata to offer a form of writing at the closest point to and at the height of what drives the deeply political creative act of this contemporary artist.